Training schedules

Please note that these schedules all start in October, but merely as an example. You can start at any time, any month and try to reach your goal.
  1. Program Starters PDF
  2. Program from 5 to 10km PDF
  3. Program from 5 to 10km with intensity + PDF
  4. Program from 10km to 10km with intensity ++ PDF
  5. Program from 10 to 20km PDF
  6. Program from 10 to 20km with intensity + PDF
  7. Program from 15 to 20km with intensity ++ PDF



  • 5 min fast walking
  • 4x (1 min running + 1 min fast walking)
  • 2x (2 min running + 2 min fast walking)
  • 2x (2 min running + 1 min fast walking)

Please keep in mind the suggested running pace: